
The 工作场所暴力 Research Institute of Palm Springs, 加州, defines workplace violence as "Any act against an employee that creates a hostile work environment and negatively affects the employee, 无论是生理上还是心理上. These acts include all types of physical or verbal assaults, 威胁, 强迫, 恐吓, 以及各种形式的骚扰."

是否是一个愤怒的学生, 同事, 或是校园里的访客, your actions may help calm a potentially violent situation, 或者他们可能会把问题升级. Try to behave in a manner that helps calm a situation.


  1. 保持冷静,控制自己. 不要着急.
  2. 是善解人意. 表示关心. 是专业.
  3. Try to have the other person and yourself sit down. 坐着是一种攻击性较低的姿势.
  4. 试着提供帮助. For example, schedule an appointment for a later time.
  5. Give positive outcome statements such as “We can get this straightened out.” Acknowledge your limitation to help; offer to get the person to someone who can help.
  6. Give positive feedback for continued talking, such as “I’m glad you’re telling me how you feel.”
  7. 不要让他们拿着武器.
  8. 眼神交流有限.
  9. 做笔记.
  10. 避免恶化行为.
    • 不要居高临下或说教.
    • 不要大喊大叫或争论.
    • 不要开玩笑或讽刺.
    • 不要碰那个人.
  11. Don’t lie or try to bluff or make 威胁.


    1. Leave the scene immediately if possible, Call 911 and campus security (4357) from a safe place.
    2. Try to alert a 同事 that there is a problem – come up with an agreed-upon code word that indicates a problem.


      1. Avoid scheduling appointments for times when no one else will be in the area.
      2. Alert colleagues in advance about a difficult meeting, and keep door open, or meet in a public area.
      3. 避免在下班后独自工作. If you have to work late, advise security and a colleague or family member.
      4. 下班后工作时, keep doors locked and do not open door unless you are expecting someone.
      5. Report any strange or unusual activities in and around your workplace immediately to your supervisor and to the law enforcement personnel.
      6. Do not leave money or valuable belongings out in the open. Purses should be locked in a desk or cabinet.
      7. Lock your office and/or lab doors when these areas are not in use, even when you are leaving for just a moment.
      8. Always walk in well-lit areas and know your surroundings. If you think you are being followed, go where there are other people. Call 911 as soon as you are in a safe place.


See next section for a form for documenting a workplace act of violence.