打印机友好的PDF: digg招聘术语指南

1.  校园招聘术语

备用 – Any student that may not meet the specific criteria during the first round of screening, 但如果有空档,可能符合条件.

职业活动 -查看由就业服务中心主办的活动安排, 比如招聘会, 研讨会, 及简介会.

未来的计划 – A list of all available schedules whether or not a student is qualified to interview. 学生s may check to see all schedules that will be coming up in the future by clicking on 时间表s, 然后选择未来的时间表. 然后通过选择适用的条件并单击Search按钮, 你会得到一份你可能符合资格的时间表清单.

会话信息 – An event to highlight company information usually held before interviews or at another time selected by the recruiting team. All students are encouraged to attend and especially the students who will be interviewing with the company hosting the session.

面试时段 -学生报名参加面试的时间段.

找工作 – Current job information posted on DIGGERecruiting can be searched for and viewed by clicking on 找工作 and selecting applicable criteria for jobs that match your objectives.

法定发布声明 – A statement in which students must agree to so that 职业服务 may release their resumes and transcripts to employers.

校园招聘政策 -为了参加校园招聘, 学生必须同意遵守无故缺课的规定, 没有出现或取消.

合格的时间表 -学生可能有资格参加面试的时间表清单.

注册 -鼓励学生注册或回复参加职业活动, 会话信息, 还有招聘会. 学生s who register will automatically receive reminders on their DIGGERecruiting calendar.

会话 – A session is a list of interview details and time slots that are available to the student to sign-up with a specific recruiter. 在DIGGERecruiting上发布的时间表可能会有多个会议.

时间表 -校内面试发布信息, 包括职位描述, 学生能够注册的时间和要求.

安排ID -指定用于标识特定时间表的参考编号.

学生 & 雇主形象 – This is the part of your registration where your personal information is located. For students, this includes demographics, skills, and any additional information. 对于雇主来说,这包括你的公司和联系方式.

时间轴 – A series of dates that act as system 的最后期限s for career events or interview sign-up activity.

等待名单 -一旦面试时间表上的所有时间都被填满, any students who wish to sign-up will instead be asked if they want to be added to the waiting list. 如果有时间段可用, it will be filled by one of the following methods: (1) the first student on the waiting list will be notified by email, 过了一段时间之后如果那个学生还没有注册, all students on the waiting list will be sent an email; or (2) all students may be emailed at the same time and the first one that logs in and signs up will fill the open interview time slot. 请注意:如果有大量的学生在等候名单上, 雇主可能会选择另一个时间表. 在这种情况下, 所有学生都将收到电子邮件,时间表将以先到者为准, 标间.

2.  附表的种类


An 开放的时间表 is a schedule in which a student who meets the posted requirements for the position, 而不必被雇主接受, 可以先到先报面试时间吗, 标间.


  1. 注册开放 – This is the first day students who meet the requirements can sign-up for an interview time slot. 
  2. 注册关闭 -这是学生报名参加面试的最后一天. 


A 预选的时间表 involves the employer screening the student resumes and selecting the students for the schedule. 符合要求的学生可以要求面试, but the employer ultimately accepts which students can sign-up for an interview time slot.


  1. 申请期开放 – This is the first day students who meet the requirements can request an interview. 他们需要提交简历和其他必要的文件. 
  2. 申请期结束 -这是学生申请面试的最后一天. 一旦到了最后期限, employers review application materials and make decisions on all candidates to select the students to interview. 
  3. 录取学生报名开放 – This is the first day that "accepted" students may sign-up for an interview time slot.
  4. 候补学生报名开放(可选) – This is the first day that "alternate" students may sign-up for an interview time slot.
  5. 注册关闭 – This is the last day "accepted" and "alternate" students may sign-up for an interview time slot. 


A 预置连续计划 is a schedule in which qualified students may request an interview until the date for continuous requests is closed. Recruiters may continuously prescreen and select students until they have a full session. 当连续请求的日期结束时, 雇主可以选择替代这种类型的时间表, or they may choose to add an additional interview session if there is sufficient interest.


  1. 预先选择“持续向请求开放” – This is the first day students who meet the requirements can request an interview. 他们需要提交简历和其他必要的文件.
  2. 预先选择连续关闭请求 -这是学生申请面试的最后一天.
  3. 注册关闭 – This is the last day "accepted" students can sign-up for an interview time slot.

重要的是: 在任何时候,直到 预先选择连续关闭请求 的最后期限, employers can review the interview requests and make interview selections (including alternates) on an on-going basis. 后 注册关闭 date is reached, employers will no longer be able to make any interview selections.


A 结合时间表 是一个预先选择的时间表之后是一个开放的时间表.