把你的工作发布到diggerrecruiting上去管理 DR 2.0. This will give you control of applications through the system by allowing online applications. Choose the dates of the position and change them as needed or close the job once you hire a student. Open your job(s) and view applicant information for that specific job. 职业服务中心也可以监控你的工作活动.

打印机友好的PDF: DR 2.0招聘指南

  1. 登录
  2. 新任务或拷贝任务
  3. 位置信息
  4. 联系信息
  5. 发布信息
  6. 筛选选项
  7. 应用方法
  8. 发布日期
  9. 保存
  10. 审查 & 做出改变
  11. 就业服务审批


去digg招聘吧g - DR 2.0 雇主网页: http://mtech.12twenty.com/hire  

If you are a 12Twenty user, enter your Username and Password,然后 click on “Employer 登录.“对于第一次用户, 点击“雇主注册”,” then complete the form with your information and click “Create Account.”


For a new job, click on the “+Post” button under the “Post a Job” heading on your dashboard. 如果你以前发布过相同或类似的工作, go to the OCI and Job Listings menu and select the similar job from the list of jobs posted. 在作业页面的右上方,单击 行动,然后 重复的. For new and duplicate positions, provide as many details as possible under 职位详细信息、职位描述和申请方法 in order to share exactly what you are looking for and to screen for the most qualified candidates. 单击[编辑]更新信息,单击“保存”. 


Once you have read the directions, fill out the information in each section and then click 保存. 所有带*的字段都是必需的. Provide as many details as possible in order to share exactly what you are looking for and to screen for the most qualified candidates. 


The 联系信息 can be automatically filled if you click on “Use My Information.” If the primary contact is somebody else in your company, please enter their name. If they are in our system, it will auto populate with their information. 如果没有,请手动输入联系人信息. Choose which fields are available for students to see by checking “Make Visible to Students” box under each field.


Provide as many details as possible under “Job Details” in order to let students know exactly what you are looking for and to screen for the most qualified candidates. You can select multiple options by checking multiple boxes. 要添加或删除专业,请访问“谁可以查看 & 应用.” Select the Major/Academic Program drop down and check the majors you wish to include. 取消你想删除的专业.


如果你想要DR.0 to screen applicants using any of the choices given under 谁可以查看 & 应用, add the information in the Student Group, Degree Level, College/School, and/or Minimum GPA.


I如果你想允许在线推荐,i.e. 候选人通过DR 2直接向您申请.0,选择“透过本网站申请"申请方法".”  If you have different application instructions, please specify in the 工作描述 然后选择"透过外部网站申请” or “透过电邮申请.” A field will appear for you to enter the appropriate website or email information.


默认为当前日期. 张贴工作,以供日后浏览, select or enter the date that you want it to become available. The default expiration date is set to 30 days after the posting date. 若要更改此设置,请输入作业到期的日期. You will receive an email prior to the job expiring so you can extend it until filled. 记住——当你雇用某人时,你可以关闭这个工作.


完成每个部分后,单击 提交 or 保存草稿 (允许您查看学生将看到的内容).

审查 & 做出改变

仔细查看招聘信息. 要进行更改,请单击 编辑 in the upper right corner of the appropriate section, make your changes, and click on 提交审批.


职业服务 will review and approve your job making it available to students and alumni within one business day.