餐桌礼仪The dictionary definition of “etiquette” is “the form or code of behavior prescribed by custom or authority that delineates expectations for social, official or professional life according to contemporary conventional norms within a society, 社会阶层或群体.”

It is important to remember, the purpose of etiquette is to be attentive to the people around us.

如今,人们常常边吃饭边谈生意. Employers carefully watch what you do so it is essential to understand how to conduct yourself in a professional manner in these situations.


Below are some tips and guidelines for proper etiquette during a business dinner.


There are two acceptable ways to use a fork and knife: the American and Continental (European) styles.

  • 美国风格: Cut a few bites (no more than two or three) and lay the knife across the plate with the sharp edge towards you. Switch your fork to your right hand (if right-handed; left hand if left-handed), 把食物送到嘴里时,叉子的时间要朝上.
  • 大陆(欧洲)风格: 一次切一口,叉子不要拿在同一只手里. Keep the tines of the fork down when spearing food and bringing it to your mouth.


旅行是现代工作的重要组成部分, 在新的国家吃东西是旅行的重要组成部分. It is crucial for you to know the dining etiquette guidelines of the country you are visiting.

Take some time to review eating customs for the country you are visiting so you don’t offend your hosts or embarrass yourself. 咨询当地大使馆 有关您接下来要访问的国家的更多信息.


Employers may take you out to dinner, and there may be alcohol on the menu. 永远不会觉得你必须点一杯饮料, 但如果你注意到他们点了一个, 你也可以买一个. However, don’t order more than one, you can pace yourself by leaving some in the glass. 避免鸡尾酒和烈性酒. 如果他们不喝酒,那么你也不应该喝. 如果你不确定,那就避免喝酒. No one will fault you for not drinking, but they will for having too much.

Generally, if the dinner is part of a job interview, do not order alcohol even if they do. If the dinner is meeting clients or an employee get together and people are drinking, 点一个也可以. If the affair goes on for a long period of time and there is more than one round, 参与是可以的, 但请记住,保持自己的节奏, 不要比餐桌上的其他人喝得多, and try to make each one last about an hour to an hour and a half pending on the strength and your tolerance. For stronger beers and wines, you may want to make it last longer. 还有,别忘了吃东西. Eating will not stop the intoxicating effects, but will slow it down.

A top sales executive gave this advice about “wining and dining” clients: “I always had a beer in my hand but I was the least drunk in the room.”


  • 如果邀请函上有“回复”字样,请回复. This means you need to reply to the invitation to let your host know you will be there. 不回应是不礼貌的.
  • Sit down from the left side of the chair and exit from the right.
  • Pass the salt and pepper together, even if only one is requested.
  • 从左到右传递食物.
  • 把吃饭当成面试过程的一部分.
  • Try to find common, non-controversial interests for conversation, i.e. 爱好、运动等.
  • Order mid-priced dishes if interviewing since the employer will be paying.
  • Thank your host for the wonderful hospitality and send a thank-you note the next day.
  • 忽略任何坐在你旁边的人.
  • 嘴里塞满东西说话.
  • 买单,不管它在你的盘子旁放了多久. 主人准备好了会来取的.
  • 主动提出和你分一杯羹或者留点小费.

看看这个 地图上有正式的位置设置 and tips for using glasses, plates, bowls, and utensils in a formal dining setting.