
In order to remain in good academic standing, you must maintain a cumulative 2.平均绩点(GPA).


If your cumulative GPA drops below 2.00, you will be placed on academic warning. Students who are on academic warning may only enroll in up to 15 credits per semester while on warning. In order to return to good standing from warning, you must improve your cumulative GPA to 2.00或以上. In addition, students on warning must earn a GPA of at least 2.00 each semester until their cumulative GPA reaches a 2.0. You may appeal the restrictions or your warning if you feel like you have extenuating circumstances by filling out 这种形式 and meeting with the Executive Director of Student Success (click here to schedule an appointment).


If you on warning and fail to meet the minimum standard for academic progress, you will be placed on academic suspension.  If you are suspended once, you will not be allowed to attend Montana Tech for one semester. If you are suspended more than once, you will not be allowed to attend Montana Tech for one ear and you must receive the approval of the Academic Standards Committee for readmission. Appeals for readmission must be submitted one week before classes begin in order to be considered and can be initiated by filling out 这种形式.  Once you return to Montana Tech, you will remain on warning until you earn a 2.累积绩点00.

你可以使用 GPA计算器 to figure out how many semesters it will take you to get back in good standing. Your cumulative and your semester GPA are both available to view in Oredigger Web. In addition, it is strongly encouraged to meet with your academic advisor and/or the 学业成功教练 in order to develop a plan to return to good academic standing.