



我在休斯顿出生长大, 德州, where I had a lifelong love of history instilled in me by quality teachers in intermediate and high school. I attended and graduated from the University of Houston with a BA and MA in history, and because of my interest in the civil rights movement, 然后我去了密西西比大学. 我获得了博士学位.D. in 2006, and then taught in temporary positions in New Zealand and Michigan before coming to Montana Tech in 2009. 我喜欢阅读。, 徒步旅行, 电影, 奇幻角色扮演类游戏, 以及类似的追求, but I still haven't quite embraced a winter sport yet.


My research interests include African-American 历史, specifically the civil rights movement with a focus on voting rights and the political realignment of the Deep South. From that research I became interested in the rise of conservatism in the United States, and that intersected with my interest in role-playing games and the moral panics over them in the 1980s. This has led me to begin research on the connections between grassroots conservative mobilization over issues in popular culture (role-playing and video games, 摇滚音乐, 等.) and their connections to the rise of the New Right in the United States in the 1970s and 1980s.

选定的荣誉 & 奖

  • 蒙大拿科技优异奖,2013年3月7日颁发.
  • Montana Tech Distinguished Researcher Award, awarded May 4, 2012
  • 富兰克林L. Riley Prize for Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation on Mississippi 历史, 2006-07, 由密西西比历史学会授予, 3月8日, 2008.
  • Public lecture on The Color of Politics at the University of Houston-维多利亚, 维多利亚, 德州, 3月20日, 2014
  • Research talk at the Institute of Czech Literature, Prague, Czech Republic, May 31, 2012.


  • HSTR 101(西方文明I)
  • hsta101 (u.S. 历史我)
  • HSTR 201(20世纪世界史I)
  • HSTR 102(西方文明II)
  • hst102 (u).S. (二)历史
  • HSTR 202(20世纪世界史II)
  • hsta322 (u.S. 历史:二战至今)
  • Hsta 398w (u).S. 女性的历史)
  • HSTA 344W (The African-American Struggle for Equality)
  • HSTA 350(西北印第安人)


“右转? The Republican Party and African-American Politics in Post-1965 Mississippi.格伦·费尔德曼,艾德. Nation Within a Nation: The American South and the Federal Government. 佛罗里达大学出版社,2014.

Sue Schrader, Chris Danielson和Scyller J. 博格勒, “Investigating Connections between Industry Affiliation and Climate Change Attitudes,” in , J.L. 德雷克等人. (eds), New Trends in Earth-Science Outreach and Engagement, 斯普林格国际出版社, 瑞士, 2014.

The Color of Politics: Racism in the American Political Arena Today, Praeger Press, 2013.

After Freedom Summer: How Race Realigned Mississippi Politics, 1965-1986, 佛罗里达大学出版社, 2011.

‘“Lily White and Hard Right’: The Mississippi Republican Party and Black Voting, 1965-1980,南方历史杂志, 2009年2月.